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  1. 30 de may. de 2017 · Few people know Daphne Oram, but she helped shape the sounds, and songs, we listen to today. A pioneer of electronic music, she wrote Still Point – thought to be the world’s first composition ...

  2. 1 de ago. de 2008 · As the BBC Radiophonic Workshop celebrates its 50th anniversary, we pay tribute to the life and legacy of its co-founder Daphne Oram, one of the pioneers of British electronic music

  3. When Daphne Oram died in 2003, her heir Martin Cook had the unenviable task of clearing Tower Folly, the oasthouse in Kent that had been Oram’s home and private studio since the late 1950s. Martin asked for help from composer and musicologist Hugh Davies who knew Oram and her work better than anyone.

  4. Tom also outlines his own work building a Mini-Oramics machine from Oram’s original notes and drawings. The Oramics Machine is an electro-mechanical and opto-electronic musical interface conceived, co-designed and commissioned by Daphne Oram between 1962 and 1969. It used optical scanning technologies to read and interpret hand-drawn ...

  5. Daphne Oram (December 31, 1925 – January 23, 2003) worked for the BBC from 1943, first as a sound engineer, later as the co-founder and director of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Oram left the BBC for good in 1959, moving to Tower Folly , an oast house she had purchased in Kent, in order to make her own music, beyond just creating sounds to be used as special effects.

  6. Daphne Oram (first published in 1972), new edition with an introduction by Sarah Angliss, 2016. 176pp + 4pp covers, hardback, 220 x 165 mm, c. 25 b/w images. The Daphne Oram Trust and Anomie Publishing ISBN:-13: 9781910221112. Update spring 2020: Third reprint now available.

  7. 她是 Daphne Oram,1925 年出生於英國,從小學習鋼琴、管風琴及音樂編曲。17歲時,放棄就讀皇家音樂學院,進入 BBC 擔任工程師兼音樂平衡師(music balancer)。除了負責廣播節目的音效、混音外,也替直播演奏預錄表演。