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  1. Juan of the Dead (Spanish: Juan de los Muertos) is a 2010 Spanish-Cuban zombie comedy film written and directed by Alejandro Brugués. A Spanish-Cuban co-production between La Zanfoña Producciones (Spain) and Producciones de la 5ta Avenida (Cuba) involving the participation of the ICAIC, Canal Sur and Televisión Española, the film won the Goya Award for Best Spanish Language Foreign Film in ...

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  3. While Havana is full of zombies hungry for human flesh, official media reported that the disturbances are caused by dissidents paid by the United States. Panic seizes all until Juan comes to the rescue: he discovers he can kill the undead destroying his brain, and decides to start a small business under the slogan "We kill your loved ones."

  4. Ficha técnica: Juan de los muertos, Cuba, 2011. Dirección: Alejandro Brugués Guion: Alejandro Brugués Producción: La Zanfoña Producciones, Producciones de la 5ta Avenida. Con la participación del Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficas, Canal Sur, Televisión Española; y la colaboración de la Junta de Andalucía, Ibermedai, Cinergia y la Universidad de Guadalajara

  5. Juan de los Muertos. Directed by. Alejandro Brugués. Cuba, Spain, 2011. Horror, Comedy. 96. Synopsis. Fast, fun and hilarious, Alexander Brugués’s 2nd feature film, Juan of the Dead, gives a decidedly Cuban touch to the zombie genre when an outbreak hits the island on the anniversary of the revolution. Synopsis.

  6. The Cuban / Spanish production "Juan de los Muertos" is one of those pleasant surprises every day more difficult to find in the entertainment world. For those familiar with the Cuban regime and people, the movie is a very hard critic to both. In fact it seems the movie was only show on cinema festival but was never released in Cuba.

  7. Juan de los Muertos. El universo de las películas de zombies esta a punto de conquistar un nuevo escenario, Cuba. Mientras La Habana se llena de zombies sedientos de carne humana, los medios oficiales notician que los disturbios son causados por disidentes pagados por los Estados Unidos. El panico se apodera de todos, cuando un heroe, Juan ...

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