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  1. 4 de jun. de 2024 · Programmation avancée en C++. Programmation orientée objet en C++. Éléments de syntaxe et sémantique. Implantation de classes : encapsulation, méthodes et attributs de classe. Surcharge des méthodes et des opérateurs. Notion de contrat et test unitaire. Normes de programmation. Héritage, hiérarchie de classes et polymorphisme.

  2. Hace 5 días · if-else 문. 모든 형태의 if 문의 경우 구조를 제외한 모든 값을 가질 수 있는 condition 이 모든 파생 작업을 포함하여 계산됩니다. 실행된 if-branch 또는 else-branch 에 break, continue 또는 goto 가 포함되지 않는 한, if 문에서 프로그램의 다음 문으로 제어가 전달됩니다. if ...

  3. 14 de jun. de 2024 · The iostream library contains a few predefined variables for us to use. One of the most useful is std::cout, which allows us to send data to the console to be printed as text. cout stands for “character output”. As a reminder, here’s our Hello world program: #include <iostream> // for std::cout int main() {.

  4. 10 de jun. de 2024 · In this article, the various functions of the const keyword which is found in C++ are discussed. Whenever const keyword is attached with any method(), variable, pointer variable, and with the object of a class it prevents that specific object/method()/variable to modify its data items value.. Constant Variables:. There are a certain set of rules for the declaration and initialization of the ...

  5. 10 de jun. de 2024 · Over the years C++ has undergone advancements to improve its capabilities and coding efficiency. One notable addition in C++14 is the introduction of variable templates. These variable templates allow you to create a group of variables or static data members that can be customized providing flexibility for your code. Variable TemplatesVariable temp

  6. 6 de jun. de 2024 · The cin object in C++ is an object of class iostream. It is used to accept the input from the standard input device i.e. keyboard. It is associated with the standard C input stream stdin. The extraction operator (>>) is used along with the object cin for reading inputs.

  7. Hace 3 días · In C++, we have 5 types of inheritances: Single inheritance. Multilevel inheritance. Multiple inheritance. Hierarchical inheritance. Hybrid inheritance. 1. Single Inheritance. In single inheritance, a class is allowed to inherit from only one class. i.e. one base class is inherited by one derived class only.