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  1. the spread. verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Esta oración no es una traducción de la original.

  2. Principal Translations. Inglés. Español. spread the word v expr. (make others aware) correr la voz loc verb. ⓘ. Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. ¡Corran la voz, la casa García regala sus productos!

  3. more_vert. to spread the Word. hacer correr la voz. 5. "fear". spread (also: cultivate, put in, lay, plant, scatter, seed, sow) volume_up. sembrar [ sembrando|sembrado] {vb} more_vert. There are those also who have used it – without any justification – as the occasion to spread anxiety.

  4. intransitive verb phrase. 1. (general) a. concientizar. (Latin America) The hospital's campaign is spreading awareness about the importance of using a helmet while bicycling.La campaña del hospital está concientizando sobre la importancia del uso del casco al andar en bicicleta. b. concienciar. The group wants to spread awareness of the ...

  5. Learn Now. Learn English Online Classes; Learn Foreign Languages; Learn Indian Languages; Live Online Classes for Kids; See Other Live Online Classes; Resources

  6. Spanish words for spread include propagación, difundir, extensión, propagarse, extender, extenderse, propagar, proliferación, untar and generalización. Find more ...

  7. transitive verb phrase. 4. (to stretch) a. extender (fingers, arms) Having emerged from the tunnel alive, the escaped prisoner spread out his arms and cried out in triumph.Tras salir del túnel con vida, el prisionero fugitivo extendió los brazos y gritó triunfalmente. 5. (to scatter) a. esparcir. Carlitos spread his toys out on the floor to ...