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  1. Invading infectious diseases can, in theory, lead to the extinction of host populations, particularly if reservoir species are present or if disease transmission is frequency-dependent. The number of historic or prehistoric extinctions that can unequivocally be attributed to infectious disease is relatively small, but gathering firm evidence in retrospect is extremely difficult.

  2. Of the 23 plant and animal species being added to the extinct list this year, 11 are from Pacific islands, Guam and mostly Hawai’i. 3. Kaua’i nukupu’u. The last credible sighting of the Kaua’i nukupu’u was in 1899, and it’s believed to have gone extinct in 1901 due to avian disease and habitat loss.

  3. They hunted some of the birds to extinction. The animals they brought were even more dangerous. Some, like chickens, infected the native birds with diseases. Others, like cats and snakes, threatened the native birds that couldn’t defend themselves against these new types of predators. Today, ...

  4. 3 de feb. de 2021 · A new Chatham House report highlights that the global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss will continue to accelerate, unless we change the way we produce food. Further destruction of ecosystems and habitats will threaten our ability to sustain human populations. The new report calls for an urgent reform of food systems, suggesting three interdependent ...

  5. 18 de dic. de 2015 · Causes. Any phenomenon that can cause mortality rates to exceed reproductive replacement over a sustained period can cause a species to become extinct (Sodhi et al. 2009).Small populations are more susceptible to extinction because of demographic and environmental variability (Pullin 2002), and also because of reduced gene exchange which, for example, decreases the likelihood of surviving a ...

  6. 14 de dic. de 2016 · Rhinopithecus bieti. Black Spider Monkey. Ateles paniscus. Black Tree-kangaroo. Dendrolagus ursinus. Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur. Varecia variegata. Black-bearded Flying Fox. Pteropus melanopogon.

  7. There are animals with a good gene pool that is robust and more adaptable to unforeseen exogenous circumstances, and others that are weaker. Destruction of wild habitats. Man is a direct cause of the extinction of species: out of the 8 million existing, 1 million are in danger due to overexploitation of resources on land and at sea.