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  1. › enciclopedia › samuel-morseSamuel morse _ AcademiaLab

    Samuel Finley Breese Morse (27 de abril de 1791 - 2 de abril de 1872) fue un inventor y pintor estadounidense. Después de haber establecido su reputación como retratista, en su mediana edad Morse contribuyó a la invención de un sistema de telégrafo de un solo hilo basado en los telégrafos europeos. Fue co-desarrollador del código Morse y ...

  2. Painter and Scientist. Samuel Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1791. He studied at Yale College and later became a renowned portrait painter and professor at New York University ...

  3. Samuel Morse's interest in telegraphy began in 1832, and the elements of a relay system were worked out late in 1835. The equipment was gradually improved and was demonstrated in 1837. Morse developed "lightning wires" and "Morse code," an electronic alphabet that could carry messages.

  4. Media. 1-20 de 51 CARGAR MÁS. List of all 51 obras de arte by Samuel Morse.

  5. Samuel Finley Breese Morse (27 aprilie 1791 – 2 aprilie 1872) este faimos ca inventatorul telegrafului și al codului Morse, dar ceea ce voia cu adevărat să facă era să picteze. A fost un artist consacrat când interesul său tineresc pentru electronică a reapărut, ducând la invenția de comunicații care a schimbat umanitatea până când a fost umbrită de telefon, radio ...

  6. Samuel F. B. Morse přišel na svět 27. dubna 1791 v Massachusetts. Narodil se do rodiny pastora, geografa a autora učebnic Jedidiaha Morse a jeho ženy Elisabeth. Rodiče ho vedli v duchu kalvínské víry a zároveň podporovali jeho vzdělávání. Mladík ale víc než po vzdělání toužil malovat.

  7. › wiki › Morse_codeMorse code - Wikipedia

    Chart of the Morse code 26 letters and 10 numerals. This Morse key was originally used by Gotthard railway, later by a shortwave radio amateur. Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, or dits and dahs. Morse code is named after Samuel Morse, one of the early developers of the ...

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