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  1. Sesiones P. Seguridad y Sonido Protocolo de Escucha Activa de música de 5 horas de duración. Mejora la regulación del sistema nervioso autónomo, que influye en el estado físico, mental ... Sesiones Safe and Sound Protocol 2022-09-03T14:34:12+00:00. Sesiones. P. Seguridad y Sonido.

  2. The SSP is a non-invasive application of Polyvagal Theory, based on decades of research. The SSP applies a bottom-up approach to help people regulate their nervous system more consistently, which can result in life-changing benefits: you may feel calmer, safer, more grounded and resilient, and less irritable, anxious and overwhelmed.

  3. Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Developed by Dr Stephen Porges, the SSP is a listening intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing capacity for social engagement and emotional resilience. By calming the physiological and emotional state, a neurological doorway may be opened for improving

  4. At times, as your Safe and Sound Protocol Coach, I’ll provide suggestions for gentle movements that can support integration during or after listening. Still, some clients like to take it up a notch. Roll out that yoga mat if you’re so inclined. Proprioceptive input (think joint-movement) supports integration and regulation. 7.

  5. The Safe and Sound Protocol is an evidence-based non invasive therapeutic tool designed to retune the nervous system and return it to safety using specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve. Unyte-iLs: Safe & Sound Protocol. Our ability to hear and tune to a full range of frequencies maintains the body’s ability to be on alert ...

  6. The Safe and Sound, (SSP) protocol is a 5 hour audio designed by Dr. Stephen Porges that uses specially filtered music that targets your nervous system directly. Combined with other modalities, it can provide an effective way to help those whose minds and bodies are in a chronic state of defense. Those who have experienced trauma, PTSD, anxiety ...

  7. Das Safe and Sound Protocol™ (SSP) reguliert die dauerhafte neurologische Überreizung, indem den Mittelohrmuskeln eine spezielle, frequenz-modulierte Musik zugeführt wird. Auf diese Weise hört das „Social Engagement System“ nun Signale der Sicherheit und der Tonus der Mittelohrmuskeln normalisiert sich wieder. Fünf Hirnnerven steuern dieses Geschehen mit und werden durch das SSP ...