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  1. 伊利沙伯中學(Queen Elizabeth School)是位於油尖旺區的一間官立中學,學校面積約 14000平方米,屬於男女校,該校辦學宗旨是提供全人教育,使學生在德智體群美五方面得到理想發展;另透過均衡課程及富啟發性的學習環境,讓學生充分發揮潛能,培養他們成為具有自律、公民責任、關懷及尊敬他人 ...

  2. The School’s core hours, during which timetabled lessons are taught, are 8.40am to 3.35pm Monday-Friday during term time. This equates to 34.6 hours per week. At Queen Elizabeth’s, enrichment activities extend well beyond the core school hours, creating significant opportunities for involvement.

  3. Queen Elizabeth School Contact. 4720-51 Street Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 0K3. Phone: 780-352-2281. We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux and Anishinaabe. We acknowledge all the many ...

  4. School Calendar. QE Calendar 2023-2024. QE Calendar 2024-2025. Bell Schedule. Welcoming Bell 8:50 am. Instruction 8:50 am to 10:15/10:30 am. ... Queen Elizabeth Elementary School. 921 Salter Street, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada V3M 6G8. Phone: 604-517-6080. Fax: 604-517-6081. Email us. SITE MAP: Home;

  5. Queen Elizabeth's School. Blandford Road Wimborne Minster Dorset BH21 4DT. Interim Headteacher: Mr Brian Boyes. Chair of Local School Committee: Mr Richard Purchase. SENDCO: Mrs Kim Ashby. Office Manager (for general enquiries): Mrs Katie Wareham. Telephone: 01202 885233 Email: .

  6. Queen Elizabeth's: An Introduction Queen Elizabeth's School is a selective, non-denominational and non-fee-paying School with a mission of producing young men who are confident, able and responsible. The School has a reputation for academic excellence and our expectations are high: QE boys excel at A-level and go on to places at leading universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

  7. Declaración de No Discriminación / Non Discriminatory Policy: Queen Elizabeth School no discrimina a ninguna persona por su raza, color, etnia o nacionalidad en cuanto a su administración. políticas de educación, políticas de admisión, programas de becas o prestamos, programas deportivos o ningún otro programa administrado por la escuela.