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  1. 2 de feb. de 2021 · The event was a "mud flood" in which several meters of mud washed in and buried the ground levels of houses and buildings everywhere. Those cities and towns that were partially buried constituted the worldwide advanced civilization called Tartaria, which had free wireless energy and was populated — at least in part — by giants.

  2. 25 de dic. de 2023 · Most of the empire was supposedly lost in a series of mudslides, typically referred to as “mud floods.”. Some buildings remained and still stand today. Famous landmarks, such as the U.S. Capitol Building (built in 1800), are claimed actually to be from the Tartarian Empire and to be thousands of years old. The conspiracy is that the empire ...

  3. The Lost Empire of Tartaria has long been shrouded in mystery, with legends and myths surrounding its existence. However, recent historical evidence and architectural marvels have sparked interest in this enigmatic empire. Let’s delve into the key takeaways from exploring the Lost Empire of Tartaria. Key Takeaways.

  4. 1 de jul. de 2021 · Tartaria on most of the maps from the second half of 16th century onwards continues to expand and incorporate all regions previously labeled as Scythia, Serica, Tangut/Tenduc, Ung, Organti, etc. It is not to be found on the Cantino Planisphere (1502) , but it figures on Caverio map (1505) , Ruysch World Map, and on Waldseemüller map (1507) .

  5. Žijeme v dobe, ktorá podlieha veľmi rýchlo zmenám. Tieto zmeny môžeme nazvať nepretržitým vývojom a majú charakter energetickej vlny.

  6. 15 de oct. de 2023 · Timeline of Tartaria and New Chronology Theories. Circa 1200s AD - European texts begin referencing a mysterious region called "Great Tartary" encompassing the Central Asian steppes. The name continues in occasional usage referring to shifting Mongol and Turkic confederations occupying the Eurasian interior over the next centuries.

  7. What is the lost kingdom of Tartaria and how can we uncover its hidden history? Join David Carrico and Jon Pounders as they reveal the ancient key to this mysterious civilization that spanned ...

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