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  1. The young couple lived on Elsa’s dowry, which was disappearing at the speed of light. Their daughter Yvonne, nicknamed Gogo, was born in 1920 and very soon contracted poliomyelitis. Juggling her Bohemian lifestyle, part-time jobs, her husband’s repeated absences and taking care of her daughter, Elsa asked for a divorce.

  2. 13 de nov. de 2019 · Elsa Schiaparelli 在1954年寫自傳時,她稱其人生為 “Shocking Life”,這是一個不尋常的自傳標題揭開自己的背後鮮為人知的故事。在1890年的時候,Elsa Schiaparelli 與 Salvador Dalí 通過出版感性的詩集醜化家人引起軒然大波,而導致被送往瑞士的修道院寄宿學校。

  3. 16 de abr. de 2020 · Elsa Schiaparelli (1890 – 1973) pushed boundaries as a fashion designer, transforming functional items of clothing into unique style statements.Her evening s...

  4. 29 de mar. de 2022 · Elsa’s Backstory In 1927 Elsa Schiaparelli was a 37-year-old divorcée and single mother trying to eke out a living (while wearing clothing gifted to her by Paul Poiret). Born into an ...

  5. The fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli was a provocateur who took pleasure in challenging typical notions of dress She worked within the confines of traditional tailoring but played with classic silhouettes through the addition of subversive details, be it print, embroidery, embellishment or unusual materials, which transformed her garments into unique fashion statements.

  6. 10 de sept. de 2017 · 1/30. Un icono de moda. A la gran diseñadora Elsa Schiaparelli (1890-1973) -digna competidora de Coco Chanel- le debemos algunos de los grandes hitos del mundo de la moda. En esta imagen de 1920 ...

  7. The story of the house. Elsa Schiaparelli instilled a creative spirit in 20th-century fashion with her inventive imagination and revolutionary vision on sportswear, Haute Couture, art, fragrance, and ordinary elements turned into elaborate creations. Her iconic collaborations with artists like Dalí, Cocteau, Man Ray, Giacometti and Marcel ...

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