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  1. 28 de may. de 2024 · Interview by Elizabeth Lvova for Evrone: C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup Interview . April 2022. Interview by Lucia El Asri Soto from the Spanish university U-tad: Bjarne Stroustrup, father of C++: "The best software designers have important skills outside of computer science" . and the Spanish version . February 2022.

  2. 1 de mar. de 2023 · Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 1986. ISBN 0-201-12078. 326 pages. Softcover. For translations, see my publication list and my cover gallery. A Tour of C++ (Second edition) is a quick ...

  3. 14 de sept. de 2023 · By popular demand, and a request from the man himself, we’ve decided to release the full interview with esteemed computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup (aka th...

  4. Bjarne Stroustrup. Bjarne Stroustrup (nacido el 30 de diciembre de 1950 en Aarhus, Dinamarca) es un científico de la computación y Catedrático de ciencias de la computación en la Universidad A&M de Texas. Ha destacado por desarrollar el lenguaje de programación C++. Citas [editar]. Existen dos tipos de lenguajes de programación: por un lado, aquellos de los que la gente se queja todo el ...

  5. ISBN 978-0-13-499783-4. July 2018. The ``tour'' is a quick (about 240 pages) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers. It covers C++17 plus a few likely features of C++20. Available here: The Preface.

  6. Other articles where Bjarne Stroustrup is discussed: C++: Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup began developing the new programming language shortly after joining the technical staff at Bell Laboratories in 1979. Stroustrup’s interest emerged from his experience as a doctoral student at the University of Cambridge, where he was unable to find a language he considered suitable…

  7. Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup by Roberto V. Zicari on July 23, 2020 💡 “If you keep your good ideas to yourself, they are… Liked by Bjarne Stroustrup I bumped into my 2017 CppCon keynote ...