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  1. 16. September: Karl Dönitz wird in Grünau (bei Berlin) als Sohn eines Ingenieurs geboren. Abitur am Realgymnasium in Weimar. Eintritt in die Marine, wo er zwei Jahre als Seekadett dient. Als Fähnrich wird Dönitz auf dem Kreuzer "Breslau" stationiert. Beförderung zum Leutnant.

  2. Karl Dönitz (IPA pronunciation: [ˈdøːnɪts]) (September 16, 1891 – December 24, 1980) was a German naval leader, who was in command of the Kriegsmarine during World War II and was President of Germany for 23 days, after Adolf Hitler 's suicide . After the war, he was charged and convicted of "crimes against peace" and "war crimes" and ...

  3. Karl Dönitz (German: [ˈdøːnɪts] ( listen); 16 September 1891 – 24 December 1980) was a German naval commander during World War II. He started his career in the German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine, or "Imperial Navy") before World War I. In 1918, while he was in command of UB-68, the submarine was sunk by British forces and Dönitz was taken prisoner. While in a prisoner of war camp, he ...

  4. 7 de mar. de 2018 · Updated on March 07, 2018. The son of Emil and Anna Doenitz, Karl Doenitz was born at Berlin on September 16, 1891. Following his education, he enlisted as a sea cadet in the Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial German Navy) April 4, 1910, and was promoted to midshipman a year later. A gifted officer, he completed his exams and was commissioned as an ...

  5. Karl Dönitz (* 16. september 1891, Berlín, Nemecké cisárstvo – † 24. december 1980, Aumühle, Nemecko) bol najvyšší veliteľ vojnového námorníctva nacistického Nemecka. Počas druhej svetovej vojny od 1. januára 1943 velil ako veľkoadmirál nemeckému vojnovému námorníctvu, teda Kriegsmarine.

  6. Karl Dönitz. 30. travnja 1945. – 23. svibnja 1945. Karl Dönitz (Berlin-Grünau, 16. rujna 1891. – Aumühle, 24. prosinca 1980.) bio je zapovjednik podmornice u Prvom svjetskom ratu, u Drugom svjetskom ratu zapovjednik podmorničke flote i admiral flote, a nakon samoubojstva Adolfa Hitlera postao je posljednji predsjednik Trećeg Reicha .

  7. Karl Dönitz se narodil roku 1891 v Berlíně. Měl mimořádný talent pro ponorkovou válku. Přestože nebyl členem nacistické strany, od začátku Hitlerovy vlády vůdce nekriticky obdivoval, což bylo určitou dobu typické pro vojenskou elitu režimu z celkem zřejmých důvodů a tento obdiv si zachoval až do posledních dnů Třetí říše.

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