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  1. Johann van Beethoven, Beethoven’s father, was a singer at the Electoral Court in Bonn and a man of many talents. He was not only a musician but also a strict disciplinarian who recognized his son’s musical potential early on. Johann’s influence on young Ludwig’s musical education was profound.

  2. 21 de mar. de 2023 · La mayor parte de las biografías de Beethoven no tienen piedad con Johann van Beethoven, el padre de Ludwig. La imagen que transmiten es la de un ser abominable y cruel hacia su hijo, que le pegaba, que le enseñaba mediante amenazas y torturas, que le encerraba en un sótano y que a altas horas de la madrugada, tras volver borracho de la taberna, levantaba al pequeño Ludwig de cuatro años ...

  3. Johann Peter Anton Leym was Beethoven’s oldest and only half-sibling. He came to the world in 1764 but unfortunately died a few days after his birth. Johann was the son of Beethoven’s mom, Maria Magdalena Nee Keverich, and Johann Georg Leym. Unfortunately, John died when his wife was only 19 years old, so Maria had to remarry.

  4. Johanna van Beethoven (née Reiß [Reiss]; 1786–1869) was the sister-in-law of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. She is remembered for the bitter custody battle between herself and the composer over her son Karl , one of the ugliest and traumatic episodes in the composer's life.

  5. Johann van BEETHOVEN (Bonn, 14-a de novembro 1740 – samloke, 18-a de decembro 1792) estis germana tenoro de la kortego de Bonn. Li estis la patro de la fama komponisto Ludwig van Beethoven.. La 12an de novembro 1767 li edziĝis en la preĝejo de Sankta Remiĝo en Bonn kun Maria Magdalena Keverich (19-a de decembro 1746-17-a de julio 1787), juna vidvino kaj filino de kuiristo de Treviro.

  6. He was born in Bonn, youngest son of Johann van Beethoven and his wife Maria Magdalena Keverich. [3] He trained to be a pharmacist; he moved in 1795 to Vienna, where his brothers Ludwig and Kaspar lived. He wished to be known as Johann, in memory of their late father. He worked in Vienna as a pharmacist's assistant, and in 1808 he opened a ...

  7. In 1776 Johann van Beethoven was born as the fourth child of the Beethoven family, a family of Bonner musicians. In 1790 he began his apprenticeship to become an apothecary at the Bonner "Hofapotheke". Towards the end of 1795 he moved to join his older brothers Ludwig and Karl in Vienna. During his time there he worked as a "subject" in various ...