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  1. In the 1770s, Thomas Paine embodied the American Revolutionary spirit better than any other writer, but the radical road that he followed to Revolutionary France in the 1780s and 1790s is the path America chose to reject. Famous Quotes “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” – 1776 “The cause of America is in a great ...

  2. Saturday January 20th at 8:00 PM. In this one-man play, Ian Ruskin, an actor trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, brings Thomas Paine back to life. In 1775, Paine, a man who had lived 37 remarkably unremarkable years in England, arrived in Philadelphia. He then proceeded to change the world.

  3. 7 de ago. de 2009 · November 29, 2009. Words matter. The forthright words in an anonymous pamphlet called Common Sense, penned by a down-at-the-heels Englishman in January 1776, mattered a great deal. “We have it in our power to begin the world over again,” proclaimed Thomas Paine (1737–1809) in firing up Americans to get on with a declaration of independence.

  4. Fewer words during the revolutionary era are greater than these from his great pamphlet (though I’d argue that maybe some of Jefferson’s in the Declaration come close): “We have it in our power to begin the world over again” and “now is the seed-time of continental union, faith, and honor.”6 His intention was clear: to move America forward toward independence, and to do it now.

  5. 28 de jun. de 2021 · Thomas Paine. “We have every opportunity and every encouragement before us, to form the noblest purest constitution on the face of the earth,” Paine wrote. “We have it in our power to begin ...

  6. Share To Begin the World Over Again: the Life of Thomas Paine (with professional actor Ian Ruskin performing Paine) with your friends and colleagues in your home, community group or workplace. You'll get DVDs (currently only available to pre-order individually), a great screening kit, and a special discount for your guests.

  7. 13 de oct. de 2023 · Written and performed by Ian Ruskin Thomas Paine is returning home to tell his story on October 13th , 2023 at The Carnegie. Ian Ruskin will perform his acclaimed one-man play 'To Begin the World Over Again: the Life of Thomas Paine' with a beautiful soundtrack and magnificent, if appropriately dishevelled, costume and wig for Mr Paine.