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  1. 31 de ene. de 2022 · The Australian Ballet presents La Sylphide, in a production by Erik Bruhn after August Bournonville’s nineteenth-century original. A ballet in two acts, La Sylphide tells the tale of the Scottish dreamer James, who is fascinated by a woodland sprite and spurns his fiancée to follow her. Intent on capturing the ethereal beauty for his own, he accepts the help of the vengeful witch Madge, who ...

  2. 3 de may. de 2015 · In “La Sylphide” the curtain rises on the real world, a Scottish farmhouse. James, the farmer hero, is asleep in an armchair. There’s just one alien element: At his feet kneels a sylph, a ...

  3. Premiered on March 12, 1832 at the Royal Academy of Music in Paris, with choreography by Filippo Taglioni and music by Jean Schneitzhoeffer, La Sylphide gained enormous popularity among the public. La Sylphide is considered the first romantic ballet in the history of dance. His story precisely expresses the conflicts and concerns of the Romantic period, a period characterized by the intensity ...

  4. Ver menos Ver todo en total Ver la ficha Todos Departements Cannes 2024 10 to Watch 2024 ... Productores de películas y programas audiovisuales; Directores, actores, guionistas, ...

  5. 21 de ago. de 2019 · A short extract from August Bournonville's La Sylphide, with Jurgita Dronina in the title role and Isaac Hernández as James, and also featuring Precious Adam...

  6. Admitere La Sylphide. La Sylphide urmărește să recruteze studenți cu un talent excepțional și oferă locuri în grupe de dans academic pentru copii cu vârsta între 7 și 12 ani, bazate pe aptitudinile fizice și pe potențialul unei cariere în dansul profesional. Admiterea la Școala noastră de Balet se face prin depunerea aplicației și audiție.

  7. 8 de dic. de 2020 · Copenhagen, Royal Theatre. streaming from 25 November 2020, see here. Nikolaj Hübbe, artistic director of the Royal Danish Ballet (RDB), decided to make his latest production of August Bournonville’s La Sylphide freely available online because tickets for November’s live performances in the Royal Theatre had been in such demand.