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  1. La figura de Zoltán Kodály constituye un gran ejemplo de vida tanto en lo personal como en sus facetas de compositor, musicólogo, pedagogo, director y estudioso de la lengua húngara.A través de una vida de arduo y desinteresado trabajo, vence enormes dificultades para alcanzar sus máximos ideales tanto en los terrenos de la composición e investigación como en la educación musical.

  2. Biografia. El 1900, Kodály va ingressar a la Universitat de Budapest per tal d'estudiar llengües modernes, i va començar a estudiar música a l'Acadèmia Franz Liszt de Budapest, on va ser alumne de composició de Hans Koessler.. Va ser un pioner de l'estudi del folklore musical, esdevenint una de les més importants figures en el camp de l'etnomusicologia.

  3. Kodály Zoltán zenei nevelési koncepciója ma a magyar zenei köznevelés alapját jelenti, jelentős szerepe van a szakoktatásban is. Ezek az alapelvek fokozatosan alakultak ki, fogalmazódtak meg és mentek át a gyakorlatba, azután, hogy a zeneszerző figyelme 1925 táján a zenepedagógia felé fordult.

  4. The Oslo Philharmonic with chief conductor Klaus Mäkelä perform Zoltán Kodály's Dances of Galánta in Oslo Concert Hall on 16th October 2020.We take infection...

  5. Zoltán Kodály was a modern Hungarian great - an ethnomusicologist, philosopher, linguist, composer, a pioneer who developed his own unique technique of creating a social and cultural experience for reading music. His ‘Kodály’ method of music education is internationally acclaimed and added to his legendary status in his homeland.

  6. 16 de dic. de 2021 · Kodály was born on this day in 1882 in the town of Kecskemét in Austria-Hungary (now Hungary). As a child, Kodály was a member of a local chorus, and also learned the violin. He showed an interest in composition, and in 1900, went on to study at the Conservatory in Budapest. In 1906, Kodály wrote about the structure of Hungarian folk music ...

  7. 16 de dic. de 2012 · Zoltán Kodály, ethnomusicologist The arc of Kodály’s career as an ethnomusicologist appears to have been a consciously, even artistically, designed path. In the early 20th century he traveled the Hungarian countryside along with Béla Bartók to document and research Hungarian musical traditions; both composers were influenced tremendously by this pursuit.

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