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  1. The Ismaili Imamat is the supra-national entity representing a hereditary office in succession from the first Imam, Hazrat Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. His Highness the Aga Khan is the present, 49th Imam in direct lineal descent from Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Bibi Fatimat-az-Zahra, the Prophet’s daughter. This is the official website of the Ismaili Imamat.

  2. 17 de feb. de 2022 · Prinz Karim Aga Khan IV. ist der 49. Imam der ismailitisch-nizaristischen Gemeinschaft des schiitischen Islams und gilt als direkter Nachfolger des Propheten Muhammad durch dessen Tochter Fatima. Der Titel „Aga Khan“ wurde Hasan Ali Shah, einem Vorfahren des Aga Khan IV., im Jahr 1830 zuerkannt.

  3. 9 de jul. de 2017 · Who is Aga Khan IV? Gouvieux, France, July 2017 —On 11 July, 2017, His Highness the Aga Khan will mark his Diamond Jubilee, or 60th year as the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the world’s Shia Ismaili Muslims. This worldwide celebration brings together the global Ismaili community, partners of the Aga Khan Development Network ...

  4. Aga Khan, in Shīʿite Islam, title of the imams of the Nizārī Ismāʿilī sect. The title was first granted in 1818 to Ḥasan ʿAlī Shah (1800–81) by the shah of Iran. As Aga Khan I, he later revolted against Iran (1838) and, defeated, fled to India. His eldest son, ʿAlī Shah (died 1885), was briefly Aga

  5. Eligió como sucesor a su nieto Karīm al-Ḥ usayn Shah (n. 1937), quien desde 1957, en calidad de Aga Khan IV, se volvió un fuerte líder; instituyó la Aga Khan Development Network, una organización filantrópica internacional, el Premio Aga Khan de Arquitectura y otras agencias de propuesta educacional y servicios. Véase también

  6. 14 de feb. de 2007 · It (Surah of Light from the Quran) tells us that the oil of the blessed olive tree lights the lamp of understanding, a light that belongs neither to the East nor West. We are to give this light to all. In that spirit, all that we learn will belong to the world and that too is part of the vision I share with you. (Speech 25 Sept. 1979)

  7. Cambridge, MA, USA, 12 NOvember 2015 - After delivering the Samuel L. and Elizabeth Jodidi Lecture, His Highness the Aga Khan sat down with Harvard University Professor Diana L. Eck for an on-stage conversation. Diana L. ECK: Your Highness, thank you for that speech. It was a great pleasure to listen to, and I think I feel especially honored ...