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  1. An American in Paris Musical 1951 1 hr 53 min Winner of six Oscars, including Best Picture and Screenplay, this musical triumph stars hoofer Gene Kelly as a struggling American artist torn between a wealthy American woman (Oscar-nominee Nina Foch) and a French dancer (Oscar-nominee Leslie Caron).

  2. 12 de ene. de 2008 · Only two pictures have ever been described by critical concensus as "the perfect film"; Citizen Kane and An American in Paris. This was Kelly's magnum opus. ...

  3. Seventeen minutes long, An American in Paris offers a kaleidoscope of musical impressions, opening with a light-hearted strolling melody soon interrupted by the honking of taxi horns. A busy street scene ensues, brassy interludes alternating with bubbly clarinets. Melancholy bluesy melodies, sometimes for woodwinds, sometimes for strings, most prominently for muted trumpet, occupy the central ...

  4. Title: An American in Paris. A tone poem for orchestra. based on the George and Ira Gershwin Critical Edition. edited by Mark Clague. Edition: Performance material. Publisher/Label: Schott Music.

  5. パリのアメリカ人』(An American in Paris)は、ジョージ・ガーシュウィンが作曲した交響詩である。 『 ラプソディ・イン・ブルー 』に次いで、ガーシュウィンの有名な器楽曲であり、 シンフォニックジャズ の一例である。

  6. An American in Paris》:辉煌一时的好莱坞歌舞片 如果说西部片几乎是与电影同时诞生的话,歌舞片就的的确确是与电影声音同时出现的。 歌舞片一面世就遭遇了美国历史上最大的社会经济危机。

  7. The talented cast of An American in Paris give a cheerful live performance of 'The Ballet Dance Sequence', made famous by Gene Kelly in the hit movie!From An...