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  1. 22 de mar. de 2024 · The poem "Richard Cory" dramatizes a truth about life with all its appearances, contradictory evidence, and unexpected occurrences, confirming that life and human behavior, indeed, remain a mystery. The poet has accomplished this achievement in a fine poem without one metaphor, simile, or other poetic device.

  2. 17 de abr. de 2020 · 内容提示: 文艺评论 浮华背后 解读诗歌 “Richard Cory" 韩湘虹 (西安欧亚学院大学外语部 陕西西安 710065) 摘要 :本文从人 物表象 、内心 以及作者诗 中运 用的意 象手 法及 其 象征意义对美国诗人埃德温 ·阿灵顿 ·罗宾逊诗歌 “Richard Cory” 进行了解读,以进一步加深读者对这首诗的理解。

  3. Edwin Arlington Robinson was born on December 22, 1869 in Head Tide, Maine. Although he was one of the most prolific American poets of the early 20th century—and his Collected Poems (1921) won the first Pulitzer Prize ever awarded to poetry—he is remembered now for a few short poems. Robinson was devoted to his art and led a solitary, often make-shift existence; he published virtually ...

  4. www.coryrichards.comCORY RICHARDS

    Cory Richards is an internationally renowned photographer, filmmaker/director, and writer. Above all, he is an artist and storyteller who passionately explores the human experience through all mediums. His work for National Geographic Magazine began with adventure features, exploring the most remote corners of the globe from Antarctica to the ...

  5. 21 de nov. de 2023 · And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head. In summary, "Richard Cory" is a poem about a man who walks around town and looks like he has it all, such as ...

  6. Analysis (ai): "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson is a poem that delves into the disparity between outward appearances and inner realities. The poem describes a wealthy and seemingly perfect man, Richard Cory, who is admired by townspeople. However, the final stanza reveals that despite his wealth and social status, Cory commits suicide, highlighting the hidden struggles and emptiness ...

  7. The central theme of "Richard Cory" is the tragic disparity between Cory's outward appearance and his internal state. According to the speaker, Cory is a man with an enviable life: he is clean-cut, well-educated, wealthy, noble, and charismatic. His very presence makes the townspeople's pulses race; they all wish they could trade places with him.