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  1. Strawberry Fields Forever』については、英米の音楽評論家や雑誌編集者らが次のような評価を残している。 メロディ・メイカー誌 Melody Maker スタジオ技術とボーカル・エフェクトの組み合わせが、『舞い降りる深く神秘的な万華鏡のようなサウンド』を生み出した

  2. Strawberry Fields Forever is een lied van The Beatles geschreven door John Lennon maar toegeschreven aan Lennon-McCartney.Het nummer is direct herkenbaar door het intro gespeeld door McCartney op de mellotron.De single werd uitgebracht als single met een dubbele A-kant (de andere A-kant was Penny Lane).In tegenstelling tot veel voorgaande singles van The Beatles was dit geen wereldwijde nummer ...

  3. 29 de feb. de 2024 · Strawberry Fields Forever’s Meaning. According to his then-wife Cynthia, John Lennon felt insecure and vulnerable in Almerí­a. The Beatles had just quit touring, and for the first time in a long while, Lennon was working without his bandmates. In the lyrics, Lennon explores his insecurities and concerns, and uses Strawberry Fields as a ...

  4. Il filmato di Strawberry Fields Forever, insieme a quello di Penny Lane, è stato selezionato dal MoMA di New York come video più influente della fine degli anni sessanta. [47] Entrambi furono trasmessi in America il 25 febbraio 1967, nel programma The Hollywood Palace, con l'attore Van Johnson come ospite.

  5. Strawberry Fields forever. Always, no, sometimes, think it's me. But you know I know when it's a dream. I think a no, I mean, a yes. But it's all wrong. That is, I think I disagree. Let me take you down. 'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields. Nothing is real.

  6. Strawberry Fields Forever/The Beatles 解説 「Strawberry Fields Forever」はリバプール(イギリス)のロックバンド、ビートルズが1976年に「Penny Lane」と両A面シングルとして発表した楽曲です。ジョン・レノンの作品です。

  7. 8 de dic. de 2020 · La letra de «Strawberry Fields Forever» tomó como inspiración una finca arbolada llamada Strawberry Field -no Fields- ubicada en la calle Beaconsfield 16 en el suburbio de Woolton, Liverpool ...

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