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  1. Unbound provided me not only with the opportunity to earn my degree faster and cheaper, it provided me with life skills and friends that will forever be a part of my life. [Staff has] a passion for helping young adults become the best versions of themselves in preparation of life long service to Christ in any and every field of work.

  2. Unbound, formerly Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, is a nonprofit international development organization headquartered in Kansas City, Kansas.Unbound was founded by lay Catholics acting on the Gospel call to serve the poor. Its sponsorship program provides direct cash transfers to sponsored members who determine how to use their cash benefits to meet their goals.

  3. Unbound scholarships help aspiring older students bear these increased costs. Strong values promoted by the Unbound program help minimize the sense of discouragement families feel when faced with social pressures such as criminal gang activity. Unbound sponsorship works to motivate families to believe in themselves and their abilities.

  4. Unboundは最初のバージョンからDNSラウンドロビンにずっと対応していませんでした。 しかし、Unbound 1.4.17においてDNSラウンドロビンに対応しました。 unbound.confにおいて"rrset-roundrobin: yes"を設定すると有効になります。

  5. The port that Unbound will use for incoming DoH traffic is by default set to 443 and can be changed using the https-port: configuration option. dohclient, an Unbound test utility which can be built with make dohclient in Unbound’s source tree, shows that Unbound is now ready to handle DoH queries on the default HTTP endpoint, which is /dns-query:

  6. Unbound is a highly capable resolver, and as such has many options which can be set; the full example configuration file is almost 1200 lines long, but we’ll need but a fraction of these settings. (If you are interested, all configuration options are documented in the extensive manual page of unbound.conf(5)).