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  1. Gordon Craig (1872-1966), Theatre director, designer and wood-engraver, son of Ellen Terry (Edward Henry) Gordon Craig. Sitter in 24 portraits Director, stage designer and writer (Edward Henry) Gordon Craig was the son of actress Dame Ellen Terry.He established a reputation as a leading actor in the 1890s before directing and designing a number of highly acclaimed productions around the turn ...

  2. 20 de mar. de 2003 · Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966) was perhaps the most influential theatrical designer in the first decades of the 20th century, and was known for using nonrealistic, symbolist design rather than sentimentality in his creations. A master at the art of woodcut engravings, a publisher, editor, book illustrator, and essayist, Craigs passions covered many art forms, but all were driven by his ...

  3. Edward Gordon Craig. Routledge, Sep 25, 2008 - Art - 192 pages. First published in 1911, On the Art of the Theatre remains one of the seminal texts of theatre theory and practice. Actor, director, designer and pioneering theorist, Edward Gordon Craig was one of twentieth century theatre’s great modernisers. Here, he is eloquent and ...

  4. Theatre - Appia, Craig, Influence: The two most important theoreticians and designers of the non-illusionist movement were the Swiss Adolphe Appia and the Englishman Edward Gordon Craig. Appia began with the assumption posited by Wagner that the fundamental goal of a theatrical production was artistic unity. Appia felt, however, that the incongruity of placing three-dimensional actors in front ...

  5. In his book On the Art of the Theatre (1911), Edward Gordon Craig recounted seeing a sign on the stage door at the Munich Künstlertheater that momentarily made him think he had discovered “heaven.” “Sprechen Streng Verboten” (speaking strictly forbidden), it read. So eager was he to find comrades who shared his radical vision of a wordless drama that Craig had misread an ordinary ...

  6. EDWARD GORDON. (1872-1966) L' Anglais Edward Gordon Craig fut acteur, metteur en scène et décorateur de théâtre, graveur et illustrateur, essayiste et éditeur de revues. Son œuvre écrite et dessinée n'a cessé de constituer l'une des sources principales de la réforme artistique du théâtre qu'il s'agisse de décors et de costumes, de ...

  7. 1 Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966), scénographe, metteur en scène et théoricien anglais.. 2 Les livraisons de The Mask (1908-1929, 15 volumes, édités à Florence, Italie) : d’abord mensuelle de mars 1908 à mars 1909 (vol. 1), la revue devient trimestrielle de 1909 à 1914 (volumes 2 à 6). En 1914-1915, vol. 7, parution de 2 numéros seulement, puis interruption jusqu’en 1918.