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  1. 10 de jul. de 2022 · When used this way, however doesn’t need a comma before or after it because the part of the sentence that starts with however is a subordinate (or dependent) clause. This means that it adds information but wouldn’t be a full sentence on its own. You don’t need to put a comma in front of a subordinate clause when it comes after the main (independent) clause.

  2. So says Lynne Truss, author of the hugely successful punctuation bible “Eats Shoots & Leaves”, in reference to the surprising strength of opinion surrounding the use of the Oxford comma. The alleged importance of the Oxford comma has been humorously depicted in numerous internet memes, while its debatable significance has even been the subject of a popular song by the band Vampire Weekend.

  3. Se usa la coma para separar los componentes de un nombre o expresión cuando, para integrarlos en una lista alfabética (bibliografía, índice, etc.), se ha invertido el orden normal de sus elementos: Bello, Andrés: Gramática… Cuervo, Rufino José: Diccionario de construcción… ― acentuación, reglas de ― puntuación, signos de. 3 ...

  4. 10 de sept. de 2022 · A comma separates words, not letters. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives ( We enjoyed the warm, sunny weather ). Use commas to separate items in a list. Use the Oxford or serial comma before the last item in a list to clarify the list. Put a comma after introductory words, phrases, and clauses. Nonrestrictive (nonessential clauses ...

  5. 14 de ene. de 2021 · Generally speaking, commas should never be placed before parentheses. Consider the examples below, and note the proper comma placement: After opening the new cookie tin, (and eating several of the cookies) Mary had a hard time replacing the lid. After opening the new cookie tin (and eating several of the cookies), Mary had a hard time replacing ...

  6. 10 de ene. de 2024 · As we would expect, the longer a person is in a coma, the worse the prognosis. Even so, many patients can wake up after many weeks in a coma. However, they may have significant disabilities.

  7. 19 de abr. de 2023 · With interrupters or parenthetical elements. Interrupters are thoughts injected in the middle of a sentence to show emotion or add emphasis. A parenthetical element is a phrase that adds extra information to the sentence but could be removed without changing the meaning. Both should always be set off with commas.