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  1. 預設的伺服器位於中國大陸。. 您可以在登錄後在設定頁面將伺服器更改為美國,以加快下載速度。. Bigjpg - 使用人工智能深度卷積神經網絡(CNN)智能無損免費放大圖片,可放大4K級超高清分辨率(4000x4000)圖片,最大32倍放大,效果秒殺PhotoZoom放大。.

  2. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

  3. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

  4. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

  5. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

  6. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

  7. Bigjpg - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-style artworks using the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks without quality loss. Photos are also supported.

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