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  1. Oliveros Pauline-Deep Listening | Descargar gratis PDF | Qi | Tai Chi. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo.

  2. 1. Quantum Listening: From Practice to Theory (To Practice Practice). Pauline Oliveros "Through the practice of meditation we can explore the depth of insight through the wisdom of listening and hearing." Sogyal Rinpoche 1 From childhood I have practiced listening. As a musician, I am interested in the sensual nature of sound, its power of ...

  3. Pauline Oliveros deja la UCSD en 1981 y se traslada a la costa este, en la zona alta del estado de Nueva York, motivada por la vitalidad de la escena musical del valle del Hudson. En 1991, dirige su primer Deep Listening Retreat en el Rose Mountain Retreat Center en Las Vegas, un retiro en un marco natural incomparable a 2.500 metros de altitud sobre el nivel del mar.

  4. the nineteen-nineties, she began teaching "deep-listening" retreats for "ear- minded people." In the collection "Prayers for a Thousand Years," from 1999, Oliveros joined hundreds of teachers and activists, each offering advice for the coming millennium. Oliveros's plea? "To create an atmosphere of opening for all to be

  5. at the roots of Oliveros's body-centered politics; in the midst of America's current political chaos, her "Meditations" make a timely case for listening as a form of activism. During her year of practicing drones, Oliveros also began studying Tai Chi finding the coördination of breath and movement complementary to her music.

  6. 30 de may. de 2022 · The late Pauline Oliveros – American avant-garde composer and hippy theorist – was a keen scholar of how reformulating the act of listening (into ‘Deep Listening’) can conjure timescales beyond conventional comprehension. Oliveros’s life was dedicated to expanding our field of sensory perception via these idiosyncratic philosophies ...

  7. The Pauline Oliveros Foundation changed its name to Deep Listening Institute, Ltd., in 2005. The Deep Listening Band, which included Oliveros, David Gamper (1947–2011) and Stuart Dempster, specializes in performing and recording in resonant or reverberant spaces such as caves, cathedrals and huge underground cisterns.