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  1. › en › about1Visit faroe islands

    There are few fences to separate the land here, leaving the islands as untouched as possible. The sheep take advantage of this, and are free to roam across the valleys, high up in the mountains and even on the most vertical of cliff edges that drop straight down into the ocean.

  2. › en › press-professionalsVisit faroe islands

    Please feel free to use the material we've made available. Enjoy!

  3. › en › about1Visit faroe islands

    Media from all over the world has picked up on my wish to get Google Street View to the Faroe Islands. We are in the news from Asia to South America. Even BBC, CNN and Al jazeera have called to talk to us. I just hope that the people at Google will pick up the news. If they somehow have missed it, I would like you guys to take pictures of the ...

  4. › en › see-doVisit faroe islands

    The Faroese phrase “heimablídni” translates directly as “home hospitality,” and all across the islands, you can enjoy a traditional Faroese home-cooked meal and authentic and intimate dining experiences in people’s homes. In addition to tasting traditional homemade Faroese cuisine, you will also be regaled with exciting tales of the ...

  5. My sheep has become a media star so I think it needs a name. Atlantic Airways have helped me sponsor a trip to the Faroe Islands to the person who can come up with the best name.

  6. › dk › om-faroerneVisit faroe islands

    Nu er vi med på Google Street View og har fået flere turister i løbet af 2017. Vi føler dog at det færøske sprog også skulle kunne oversættes via Google Translate, derfor har vi indledt en ny mission. Den færøske premierminister, Aksel V. Johannsen, sluttede sig til vores kampagne og sendte et åbent brev til Google i en særlig ...

  7. › en › about1Visit faroe islands

    HELLO YOU GUYS. Hello you guys. I want to tell you a little something about the Faroe Islands and the sheep, that live here. The name Faroe Island originally means Sheep Island. And you can understand why. Over 70,000 sheep live here. That is more sheep than the entire population of the country. Our old coat of arms from the 15th century even pictures a sheep. So as you can see, sheep is an ...