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  1. Basquiat continues to make cartoonlike drawings inspired by Alfred Hitchcock films, automobiles, comic books, and the Alfred E. Newman character from Mad. “He was always so bright, absolutely an unbelievable mind …. He drew and painted all of his life from the time he was three or four years old” (Gerard Basquiat). 3

  2. Basquiat abandona el grupo musical, y desde 1980 se dedica principalmente a la pintura. Richard Marshall apunta tres periodos en la trayectoria artística de Jean-Michel Basquiat. El periodo más temprano iría desde 1980 a finales de 1982, en que el artista emplea modos pictoricistas en sus lienzos, representando esqueletos y caras con aspecto de máscaras, dejando patente su obsesión por la ...

  3. Basquiat, Jean-Michel. Nace el 22 de diciembre en Brooklyn, Nueva York, hijo de padre haitiano, Gérard, y madre de origen puertorriqueño, Matilde. Por motivos laborales de su padre, vive durante dos años en Puerto Rico. La familia regresa a Nueva York. Basquiat ingresa en la escuela Edgard R. Murrow High School.

  4. 1-20 de 157 CARGAR MÁS. List of all 157 obras de arte by Jean-Michel Basquiat.

  5. 22 de dic. de 2022 · De ascendencia haitiana y puertorriqueña, Basquiat pasó de las calles de Brooklyn a convertirse en una leyenda del arte mundial en menos de una década. Pero su vida tuvo un trágico final.

  6. Portrait of A-One A.K.A. King was executed in 1982, during the turning point of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s career. 1982 was a pivotal year for Basquiat, as it marked his transition from the street culture to the fine art world. He also had his first solo show of his career, which earned a lot of accolades from the art community.

  7. Jean-Michel Basquiat. When asked to describe his art, Jean-Michel Basquiat responded with customary aplomb: “royalty, heroism, and the streets.”. A high school dropout, Basquiat found his true calling hanging out in the streets and inserting himself in the bustling urban milieu, ultimately becoming an influential figure in New York City’s ...