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  1. John Quincy Adams na fotografii z roku 1843 John Quincy Adams je považován za prvního amerického prezidenta, který byl kdy vyfotografován. Fotografie byla pořízená formou daguerrotypie německým umělcem Phillipem Haasem v roce 1843, a to přímo v Adamsově domě v Massachusetts .

  2. Charles Francis Adams was a U.S. diplomat who played an important role in keeping Britain neutral during the U.S. Civil War (1861–65) and in promoting the arbitration of the important “Alabama” claims. The son of Pres. John Quincy Adams and the grandson of Pres. John Adams, Charles was early

  3. Reared for public service, John Quincy Adams became one of the nation's preeminent secretaries of state but proved the wrong man for the presidency. Aloof, stubborn, and ferociously independent, he failed to develop the support he needed in Washington, even among his own party. Faced throughout his term with organized opposition from the ...

  4. John Quincy Adams; Adams ritratto in un dagherrotipo del 1843; si tratta della prima fotografia rinvenuta a ritrarre un capo di Stato, sebbene all'epoca dello scatto egli non fosse più in carica.Tuttavia, nel 1841 venne scattata una fotografia a William Henry Harrison, ma allo stato attuale essa non è rintracciabile.

  5. Biography of John Quincy Adams by Mary W. M. Hargreaves. Related Documents. Search all documents. February 10, 1825. Reply of the President Elect to Notification of Election. March 01, 1825. Letter From the President Elect. March 01, 1825. Special Message. March 04, 1825. John Quincy Adams Event Timeline. March 04, 1825.

  6. John Quincy Adams Sexto presidente de Estados Unidos (1825-1829) Nació el 11 de julio de 1767 en Braintree, Massachusetts (Estados Unidos). Fue el hijo mayor del presidente John Adams, al que acompañó durante las negociaciones de paz que pusieron fin a la guerra de la Independencia estadounidense. Cursó estudios en la Universidad de Harvard. ...

  7. 約翰·昆西·亞當斯( John Quincy Adams ,1767年7月11日—1848年2月23日),美國 政治家,第六任總統(1825年-1829年),他還擔任過外交官,參議員和眾議院議員。 他是第二任美國總統約翰·亞當斯及第一夫人艾碧該·亞當斯的長子。