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  2. 18 de jul. de 2022 · Nebula is a Latin word meaning "cloud", but in an astronomical context, it refers to any celestial object which appears cloud-like when viewed through a telescope. When telescopes weren’t as ...

  3. Nebula Capsule 3ならAnker (アンカー) Japan 公式オンラインストア。大手ECサイト、家電量販店販売台数第1位の人気モデル「Nebula (ネビュラ) Capsule ll」のコンパクトさはそのままに、あらゆる面で進化させた、モバイルプロジェクターの決定版。※2023年の全国有力家電量販店の販売実績集計 / GfK社の ...

  4. This is the Nebula channel on Nebula so you can watch Nebula while you watch Nebula.

  5. › wiki › BulutsuNebula - Vikipedi

    Bulutsu ( İngilizce: Nebula ), uzayda bulunan ve geniş alanlara yayılmış olan kozmik toz, hidrojen, helyum ve diğer iyonize gazlardan oluşan bulutsu bir yapıdır. Eskiden galaksileri de kapsayacak şekilde yaygın gök cisimlerine verilen isim iken, astronominin ilerlemesi ile galaksi ile bulutsu farklı anlamlarda kullanılmaya ...

  6. 30 de nov. de 2021 · Over the years, the Hubble Space Telescope has taken hundreds of images of different kinds of incredible nebulae in our universe. A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. There are different types of nebulae, ranging from sites where stars are being born under gravitational pressures to expanding gaseous remnants thrown off by dying stars. Hubble Senior Project Scientist, Dr ...

  7. Planetary Nebula. A planetary nebula is a region of cosmic gas and dust formed from the cast-off outer layers of a dying star. Despite their name, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets. When stars with an intermediate mass (greater than 80% of the Sun’s mass, but less than eight times its mass) die, they expand to form red giants.

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