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  1. A Colosseum az ókori Róma hatalmas amfiteátruma, ma pedig nevezetes látványossága a városnak; 2010 júliusától már a föld alatti része is bejárható. [1] „Amíg a Colosseum áll, állni fog Róma, ha elpusztul, elpusztul Róma és a világ is” – írta az óriási építményről Beda Venerabilis angolszász egyházi író.

  2. An electrifying, spine-tingling sight, the Colosseum is the most thrilling of Rome 's ancient monuments. It was here that gladiators met in fierce combat and condemned prisoners fought off wild beasts in front of baying, bloodthirsty crowds. Two thousand years on and the 50,000-seat stadium is one of Italy 's top attractions, drawing more than ...

  3. colosseum翻译:(尤指古罗马)圆形剧场,圆形竞技场。了解更多。

  4. Navnet Colosseum menes at stamme fra en kæmpemæssig statue af Nero – på model af Kolossen på Rhodos. Den gigantiske bronzeskulptur af Nero som en solgud blev flyttet til sin placering ved siden af amfiteatret af kejser Hadrian ( r. 117–138 ). [12] Det latinske ord colosseum er dannet fra adjektivet colosseus, der betyder "kæmpemæssig ...

  5. Koloseum w 1891 r. (grafika) Południowa fasada Koloseum. Wnętrze Koloseum – podziemia areny. Koloseum ( łac. Colosseum, wł. Colosseo ), właściwie amfiteatr Flawiuszów [1] (łac. Amphitheatrum Flavium) – amfiteatr w Rzymie, wzniesiony w latach 70–72 do 80 n.e. przez Wespazjana i Tytusa – cesarzy z dynastii Flawiuszów .

  6. 19 de oct. de 2023 · Vocabulary. The Colosseum, also named the Flavian Amphitheater, is a large amphitheater in Rome. It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people. Construction of the Colosseum began sometime between C.E. 70 and 72 under the emperor Vespasian. It opened nearly a decade later and was modified several times in ...

  7. The Roman Colosseum has a long and rich history. From the times when it was used as a gladiatorial arena and witnessed staged hunts with thousands of wild beasts to today, it has seen the Roman Empire rise to its greatest splendor… and dwindle and disappear. It is said that up to 400,000 people met their end on the sands of the arena, as did ...

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