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  1. Wall Street is a 1987 American drama film, directed and co-written by Oliver Stone, which stars Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Daryl Hannah, and Martin Sheen.The film tells the story of Bud Fox (C. Sheen), a young stockbroker who becomes involved with Gordon Gekko (Douglas), a wealthy, unscrupulous corporate raider.. Stone made the film as a tribute to his father, Lou Stone, a stockbroker ...

  2. The NYSE looks forward to welcoming more leading companies from around the world in 2024, growing our one-of-a-kind community and setting the pace for innovation on a global scale. We’re endlessly inspired by the people behind these companies, check out their stories below and let’s make something happen together.

  3. A Wall Street (em tradução livre para o português: Rua da Parede) é uma rua que corre na região inferior de Manhattan, e é considerada o coração histórico do atual Distrito Financeiro da cidade de Nova Iorque, onde se localiza a bolsa de valores da cidade . Com o tempo, o termo se tornou uma metonímia para o sistema do mercado ...

  4. Wall Street 23, postavená v roce 1914, byla známá jako "House of Morgan" (tj. Dům Morgana; Morgan je jedna z nejstarších firem nabízející finanční služby) a po desetiletí byla nejvýznamnější adresou amerického finančnictví. V poledne 16. září 1920 došlo k bombovému útoku při kterém zemřelo 38 lidí a bylo zraněno ...

  5. Das Finanz- und Wirtschaftsportal rund um die Themen Aktien, Börse und Aktienkurse. Meinungen, Fakten, Hintergründe von Deutschlands größter Finanz-Community.

  6. Hace 3 días · Wall Street, street, in the southern section of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, which has been the location of some of the chief financial institutions of the United States.The street is narrow and short and extends only about seven blocks from Broadway to the East River.It was named for an earthen wall built by Dutch settlers in 1653 to repel an expected English invasion.

  7. Wall Street has been personified and is considered to have its own vocabulary, fashion, culture, and celebrity status. Wall Street has its own sentiment, outlook, and reputation. The brand has global recognition farther reaching than Hollywood. The domain name and address are omnipotent.

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