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  1. Florence Foster Jenkins ist eine britisch-französische Filmbiografie aus dem Jahr 2016 über die gleichnamige Amateur-Sängerin. Unter der Regie von Stephen Frears und basierend auf einem Drehbuch von Nicholas Martin übernahm Meryl Streep die Hauptrolle der Florence Foster Jenkins.

  2. 20 de jul. de 2016 · Does Meryl Streep get Florence's singing voice right? Yes. Donald Collup, the creator of the Florence Foster Jenkins documentary A World of Her Own, says that Meryl Streep is spot on in her recreation of Florence Foster Jenkins' voice.In his review of the movie, he states, "I can also confidently say that Ms. Streep recreates every single nuance of the Jenkins singing voice: glottal stops, an ...

  3. 2 de jul. de 2021 · Florence Foster Jenkins, played by Meryl Streep in the 2016 biopic, was an American socialite and aspiring coloratura soprano. But everyone who went to her concerts was in on a strange joke: she was an absolutely terrible singer. Florence Foster Jenkins built a career in the early 20th century on being “the world’s worst opera singer”.

  4. Florence Foster Jenkins (19 de juliol de 1868 - 26 de novembre de 1944) va ser una soprano estatunidenca, cèlebre per la seua manca d'afinació, el seu poc sentit del ritme i la seua incapacitat absoluta per al cant. L'historiador Stephen Pile va arribar a definir-la com la pitjor cantant d'òpera de la història. Malgrat les seves mancances (o potser gràcies a això) va arribar a ser una ...

  5. Florence Foster werd geboren in 1868 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Jenkins kreeg als kind muziekles, zij uitte de wens om naar het buitenland te gaan om daar muziek te studeren. Haar vermogende vader weigerde echter om de rekening te betalen en dus vertrok zij heimelijk met Frank Thornton Jenkins, een arts, naar Philadelphia, waar ze trouwden ...

  6. Florence Foster Jenkins, an heiress from NYC, always wanted to be a concert pianist and play Carnegie Hall. An injury in her youth deterred that dream, so she sets out to sing her way to Carnegie Hall, knowing the only way to get there would be, "Practice, practice, practice".

  7. There aren't enough adjectives for someone like Florence Foster Jenkins. On the one hand, it's beautiful to see someone who doggedly pursues the dream of a lifetime. On the other hand, the technical incapacity of this well-meaning and friendly lady for the task to which she so wanted to dedicate herself is quite evident.

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