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  1. Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away retrace la vie de George "Buddy" Guy, qui quitte sa Louisiane natale à 20 ans pour tenter sa chance à Chicago dans les années 1940 pour devenir l'un des guitaristes les plus influents de tous les temps. Sans un sou, il enchaîne les petits concerts et ne tarde pas à s'attirer un large public et s'est rapidement fait connaître en tant que ...

  2. Acerca de esta película. "Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away” cuenta la historia de George “BuddyGuy, que comenzó en la década de los cuarenta cuando era un joven mediero de Lettsworth, Luisiana, y pasó a convertirse en uno de los guitarristas más reconocidos de la historia. Una vez asentado en el Medio Oeste en la década ...

  3. "Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away captures the story of George “BuddyGuy, who transcended his early years as a sharecropper in Lettsworth, Louisiana in the 1940's to become one of the most influential guitarists of all time. After moving to the Midwest in the 1950's, Guy quickly rose to prominence as the go-to guitarist for Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf as part of the iconic ...

  4. "Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away captures the story of George “BuddyGuy, who transcended his early years as a sharecropper in Lettsworth, Louisiana in the 1940's to become one of the most influential guitarists of all time. After moving to the Midwest in the 1950's, Guy quickly rose to prominence as the go-to guitarist for Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf as part of the iconic ...

  5. "Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away” captures the story of George “BuddyGuy, who transcended his early years as a sharecropper in Lettsworth, Louisiana in the 1940's to become one of the most influential guitarists of all time. After moving to the Midwest in the 1950's, Guy quickly rose to prominence as the go-to guitarist for Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf as part of the iconic ...

  6. "Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away” captures the story of George “BuddyGuy, who transcended his early years as a sharecropper in Lettsworth, Louisiana in the 1940's to become one of the most influential guitarists of all time. After moving to the Midwest in the 1950's, Guy quickly rose to prominence as the go-to guitarist for Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf as part of the iconic ...

  7. Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away retrace la vie de George "Buddy" Guy, qui quitte sa Louisiane natale à 20 ans pour tenter sa chance à Chicago dans les années 1940 pour devenir l'un des guitaristes les plus influents de tous les temps. Sans un sou, il enchaîne les petits concerts et ne tarde pas à s'attirer un large public et s'est rapidement fait connaître en tant que ...