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  1. By the time of his premature death in December 1975, Bernard Herrmann was a well-known figure on the London musical scene, both as a composer with a formidable list of major works to his name, and as a conductor, the role in which he first made his mark, and in which he gave the most tangible proof of his great interest in British music.He was born in 1911 in New York, and studied composition ...

  2. Bernard Herrmann (“Benny” to his friends) was born in New York City on 29 June 1911 and his early education took place at the De Witt Clinton High School. His interest in music showed itself at an early age and he won a composition prize when he was thirteen.

  3. 伯納德·赫爾曼(英語: Bernard Herrmann ,1911年6月29日—1975年12月24日) ,美國電影配樂作曲家。 1941年因《黑夜煞星》(The Devil and Daniel Webster)一片配樂獲得奧斯卡最佳原創音樂獎。 1958年他為影片《迷魂記》譜寫的配樂,被列入《AFI百年百大電影配樂》。 他配曲的著名影片還有《公民凱恩 ...

  4. 29 de jun. de 2011 · Bernard Herrmann's music helped make Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and Vertigo, Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, François Truffaut's Fahrenheit 451 and Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver into iconic works of art.

  5. 19 de abr. de 2024 · Meine Ziele im Bundestag: Bürgerenergie stärken – für 100% Erneuerbare. Solarstrom, preisgünstig, für alle und überall. Renaissance der europäischen Solarwirtschaft. Südwestsachsen modern und zukunftsfest machen. neue, saubere Energie für Wohnen und Mobilität. Energie-, Wärme- und Mobilitätswende – ambitioniert und sozial gerecht.

  6. Laurie Johnson, R.I.P. Herrmann’s friend and frequent collaborator, British composer Laurie Johnson, MBE has died aged 96 on 16th January 2024. Digitizing Bernard Herrmann’s Recordings with the CBS Symphony The UCSB Library’s Special Research Collections will preserve, digitize, and make accessible the groundbreaking radio broadcasts of the CBS Symphony conducted by Bernard Herrmann in ...

  7. 15 de mar. de 2024 · Bernard Herrmann was a prolific and influential composer known for his remarkable contributions to film scores and classical music. Born in New York City in 1911, Herrmann displayed a deep passion for music from an early age. He studied at the Juilliard School and later became a conductor for various orchestras, gaining valuable experience that ...