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  1. › wiki › MagdaleneMagdalene - Wikipedia

    Magdalene (The Magdalene Sisters) è un film del 2002 scritto e diretto da Peter Mullan. Presentato quell'anno in anteprima mondiale a Venezia, è stato premiato con il Leone d'oro Trama. Irlanda, la storia ha inizio nel 1964 ed è incentrata su tre ragazze ...

  2. Magdalene Members can be found in every corner of the globe, we run a very active events programme for Members throughout the year. The College offers a number of benefits to its non-resident Members including Dining rights, Guest rooms in College, and punt hire. Find out more. The ...

  3. 新約中馬利亞的事跡 [編輯]. 耶穌在各城各鄉傳道時,與耶穌同道的除了十二個門徒以外,還有祂所醫治的幾個婦女,抹大拉的馬利亞就是其中的一位(路加福音 8章:1-2節 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))。. 耶穌治好了抹大拉的馬利亞,趕出她身上的鬼。 她信耶穌後,奉獻自己的財物 ...

  4. Herkunft und Bedeutung. Der Name Magdalena entstand als Latinisierung aus dem altgriechischen Μαγδαληνή Magdalēnē, was im Neuen Testament den Beinamen der Maria von Magdala darstellt. Mit seiner Bedeutung „die Magdalenerin“ verweist er vermutlich auf den Ort Magdala. Dabei handelt es sich vermutlich um die gräzisierte Form von מִגְדָּל migdāl „Turm“.

  5. St. Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalen was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women's hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke 8:2-3 ...

  6. 例如被命名為《 腓力福音 (英语:Gospel of Philip) 》的殘章(又譯《斐理伯福音》)的確描述抹大拉的馬利亞不單單只是十二門徒之一,還是最為接近耶穌的使徒。. 這種親密的關係被描述為抹大拉的馬利亞能夠理解耶穌以及他的教導,而其他的使徒卻不能 ...

  7. Voir sous forme de tableau Magdalene est un prénom actuellement très rare et dont la tendance sur les dernières années est stable.C'est en 1989 que sa popularité est au plus haut avec 8 ...

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