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  1. Ever wonder how Christianity was spread to the nations? This is the complete story of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles. From his birth in the bustling city o...

  2. PAUL is a family-owned artisanal patisserie and restaurant with a proud French heritage dating back to 1889. Known for our personal touch, impeccable service levels and warm, sophisticated atmosphere, PAUL offers a vast French style menu to suit any occasion, from breakfast right through to dinner and every coffee and teatime in between.

  3. Paul en Hispanoamérica o Polo en España (Paul en inglés; シンジ Shinji en japonés) es un entrenador Pokémon que ha viajado por la región de Sinnoh, desarrollando una gran rivalidad con Ash Ketchum, tal vez por la diferencia de caracteres y la manera de entrenar a sus Pokémon. Le gana en repetidos combates y lo humilla constantemente con comentarios cargados de cinismo, logrando que ...

  4. 28 de feb. de 2019 · The Apostle Paul was one of the most influential leaders of the early Christian church. He played a crucial role in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews) during the first century, and his missionary journeys took him all throughout the Roman empire. Paul started more than a dozen churches, and he’s traditionally considered the ...

  5. PAUL continues to be a family-owned company built on the foundations of time-honored production methods passed down through five generations. A commitment shared in more than 20 countries today with PAUL bakeries in London, Washington, Dubai, Tokyo‚ and more. 2014.

  6. Crítica Paul (2011) Encuentros en la divertida fase Graeme y Clive, creadores británicos de un cómic que no conoce ni Tarzán, están cumpliendo el sueño de su vida: acudir a ComiCon, la famosa convención de cómic y cultura pop en San Diego, Estados Unidos, para recorrer después en caravana, en plan turista, el Área 51 y demás lugares de supuestos avistamientos de ovnis y encuentros ...

  7. For the past 60 years, a wisecracking alien named Paul (Seth Rogen) has resided at a top-secret military base in America's UFO heartland. When Paul decides he has had enough of Earth, he escapes ...

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