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  1. 6 de sept. de 2023 · 'Travel', 'go traveling', 'go on a trip'는 모두 여행을 가다는 의미를 가지고 있지만, 약간의 차이가 있어요. 'Travel'은 여행하다를 의미하고, 'go traveling'은 여행의 모든 여정을 의미합니다. 반면에 'go on a trip'은 긴 여행, 짧은 여행, 주말에 잠시 다른 곳으로 가는 것 모두를 포함해요.

  2. 16 de jul. de 2020 · go on a trip take a trip. みたいに “trip” を使うことがとても多いです。 I’m going on a trip next week. 来週、旅行に行きます; I recently took a trip to Kyoto. 最近京都に旅行に行ったよ 「〜に、〜へ」のように旅行の目的地を表すには、”a trip to 〜” にすればOKです。

  3. Subscribe to UnoTheActivist's Official YouTube Channel for exclusive and up-to-date Uno content!Shot by: @liamwalshh @yuteworldLimbus 3:

  4. trip. 造訪某個地方,可能是旅遊觀光或者其他目的,強調旅程本身。 go on/take a trip 進行一趟旅程. Tom took a trip to Taichung to visit his grandma. Tom 去了一趟台中探視祖母。 business trip 出差. I’m going to take a business trip to Japan next week, so I can buy you some souvenirs.

  5. vs. take a trip. RESPUESTA RÁPIDA. "Make" es un verbo transitivo que se puede traducir como "hacer", y "take a trip" es una frase verbal transitiva que se puede traducir como "hacer un viaje". Aprende más sobre la diferencia entre "make" y "take a trip" a continuación. make (. meyk.

  6. In American English, we use "make a trip" to refer to an errand. We ran out of milk, so I made a trip to the store. We take a trip to reach a destination for the sake of the destination, usually in terms of a vacation or recreation. "This summer, we're taking a trip to Disneyland."

  7. Take a trip. Tags: 1º de Primaria, 2º de Primaria, 3º de Primaria, 4º de Primaria, 5º de Primaria, 6º de Primaria, Infantil, Ordenador. Inglés. Views: 75327. Daily Views: 141. Descripción del juego: Conduce los coches hasta su destino procurando no chocar. Puedes elegir el nivel que desees. Idioma: Inglés.

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