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  1. Henry Fairfield Osborn (Fairfield, 8 agosto 1857 – New York, 6 novembre 1935) è stato un paleontologo statunitense, che divenne direttore dell'American Museum of Natural History di New York. Sotto la sua guida, l’istituzione crebbe enormemente di prestigio e importanza.

  2. 8 de ago. de 2019 · Henry Fairfield Osborn, an American paleontologist, was born Aug. 8, 1857. Osborn named and described some of the most famous dinosaurs in the world, including Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Ornitholestes, Struthiominus, and Oviraptor. Oddly, Osborn did not discover any of these dinosaurs. In the “old days” (the 1820s), dinosaurs such as ...

  3. Henry Fairfield Osborn (Fairfield, 8 augustus 1857 - New York, 6 november 1935) was een Amerikaans geoloog, paleontoloog en eugeneticus. Werk. Fairfield Osborn was voornamelijk actief op het gebied van de paleontologie van gewervelden en reisde op zoek naar fossielen veel door het zuidwesten van de Verenigde Staten. Hij gaf namen aan ...

  4. Henry Fairfield Osborn (8 de agosto de 1857 – 6 de noviembre de 1935) fue un geólogo, paleontólogo y eugenecista estadounidense. Nació en Fairfield, en el estado de Connecticut, y estudió en la Universidad de Princeton. Fue profesor de anatomía comparativa a partir de 1883 hasta 1890 en Princeton.

  5. Henry Fairfield Osborn, president of the American Museum of Natural History, named the second skeleton T. rex in 1905. The generic name is derived from the Greek words τύραννος (tyrannos, meaning "tyrant") and σαῦρος (sauros, meaning "lizard"). Osborn used the Latin word rex, meaning "king", for the specific name.

  6. Henry Fairfield Osborn was a paleontologist, museum curator and administrator at the American Museum of Natural History. His 45-year career at the museum established it as a leading institution of research and scholarship in the fields of paleontology and evolution. Osborn's interest in paleontology, atypically for his time, derived as much ...

  7. Henry Fairfield Osborn, född 8 augusti 1857 i Fairfield, Connecticut, död 6 november 1935, var en amerikansk paleontolog och geolog.. Biografi. Osborn studerade vid Princeton University och gjorde 1877 sin första fossilletarexpedition till Colorado och Wyoming.Under åren 1883 till 1890 var han professor i jämförande anatomi vid Princeton University. År 1891 blev han professor i biologi ...