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  1. alps処理水に含まれる「トリチウム(三重水素)」について説明しているページです。alps処理水について、知っていただくことが復興の応援になります。「知る」「考える」きっかけになれば幸いです。

  2. There is no place I love more than the European Alps! Enjoy this travel guide across the most incredible destinations in the Alps. From Switzerland's alpine ...

  3. アルプスアルパインは「コンポーネント」「センサー・コミュニケーション」「モジュール・システム」の3つの事業を中核に、エレクトロニクスとコミュニケーションで人々の生活に貢献し続け、持続的な『価値創造型企業集団』を目指してまいります。

  4. The Alps seen from space. The Alps form a large mountain range dominating Central Europe, including parts of Italy, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Slovenia, Germany and Hungary.. DEM-based shaded relief/hypsometric image of the Alps with the borders of the countries.. This article describes the delimitation of the Alps as a whole and of subdivisions of the range, follows the ...

  5. 阿尔卑斯山(德語: Alpen ( ⓘ ) ;義大利語: Alpi ;法語: Alpes ;斯洛維尼亞語: Alpe ;羅曼什語: Alps )是歐洲最高及橫跨範圍最廣的山脈,它覆蓋了意大利北部邊界、法國東南部、瑞士、列支敦士登、奥地利、德國南部及斯洛文尼亞。 它可以被细分為三個部分:從地中海到白朗峰的西阿爾卑 ...

  6. The Alps extend in a crescent about 750 mi (1,200 km) from the Mediterranean coast between France and Italy to Vienna and cover more than 80,000 sq mi (207,000 sq km). Several peaks rise above 10,000 ft (3,000 m); the highest is Mont Blanc. The Alps form a divide between the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea and give rise ...

  7. The Alps are Europe’s biggest mountain range and lie right at the heart of the continent. They stretch across eight countries: France, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany ...

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