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  1. 4 de may. de 2024 · The musical term for playing quietly or softly is called piano. It’s actually where we get the name of the instrument, the piano. It was originally called the ‘pianoforte’ because it could play both quietly and loudly (forte is the musical term for loud ). It’s pronounced slightly differently though: ‘pi-ah-no’.

  2. 22 de may. de 2024 · Shadows in the Field: new perspectives for fieldwork in ethnomusicology by Gregory F. Barz & Timothy J. Cooley (Editors) Call Number: ML3799 S522008. The focus in ethnomusicological writing and teaching has traditionally centered around analyses and ethnographic representations of musical cultures, rather than on the personal world of ...

  3. Núria Feliu, homenatjada al Palau de la Música. Un moment de l’homenatge a Núria Feliu, ahir GUILLEM ROSET / ACN. Joan Manuel Ser­rat, Els Catar­res, Marina Ros­sell, Cris Jua­nico, Antoni Ros Marbà i Joan For­tuny (Elèctrica Dharma) van ser ahir alguns dels pro­ta­go­nis­tes de l’acte d’home­natge a Núria Feliu (Bar­ce ...

  4. K-Pop has also helped to break down cultural barriers and bring people from around the world together, and it has established itself as a cultural phenomenon that is here to stay. In conclusion, K-Pop’s rise to global prominence is a testament to the power of music and the internet. From its beginnings in South Korea, K-Pop has become a ...

  5. 24 de may. de 2024 · Step 2: Pick Up the Beat. To play music, you need to know its meter, the beat you use when dancing, clapping, or tapping your foot along with a song. When reading music, the meter is presented similar to a fraction, with a top number and a bottom number. We call this the song’s time signature.

  6. 17 de may. de 2024 · Melodic Footprints: Tracing the Cross-Cultural Evolution of Folk Music Narratives For centuries, folk music has served as a powerful medium for storytelling and cultural expression. Passed down through generations, these melodic narratives offer a window into the traditions, beliefs, and values of diverse communities around the world.

  7. 21 de may. de 2024 · Provides popular music scholars, teachers, students, and musicologists with a well-informed and up-to-date introduction to different world popular music scenes. The series of volumes can be used for academic teaching in popular music studies, or as a collection of reference works.