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  1. La geografía de Nepal está marcada por el territorio enmarcado entre los dos gigantes asiáticos India y China. Enclavado en la cordillera del Himalaya (que en el idioma sánscrito significa ‘‘residencia de la nieve’’ ), el país está plagado de montañas y colinas. Su forma aproximadamente rectangular (650 kilómetros de largo por ...

  2. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Nepal retained its independence after the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16, and the subsequent peace treaty laid the foundations for two centuries of amicable relations between Britain and Nepal. (The Brigade of Gurkhas continues to serve in the British Army to the present day.)

  3. Nepal Tourism Board is a national tourism organization of Nepal established in 1998 by an Act of Parliament in the form of partnership between the Government of Nepal and private sector tourism industry to develop and market Nepal as an attractive tourist destination.

  4. 300000. Nepalese in remote off-grid areas gained access to renewable energy. 157,000. people got their new homes with UNDP assisting construction of 31,500 quake-safe houses after the 2015 earthquake. 600,000. people received digital vaccine certification. 2500. vulnerable women received temporary cash transfers. Learn.

  5. Nepal, (nəˈpɑːl, nepalesisk: नेपाल; officielt 2008 Kongeriget Nepal og herefter Den føderale demokratiske republik Nepal) er en indlandsstat, der ligger mellem Indien i øst, vest og syd og Kina mod nord.Landet er beliggende i Himalaya og ti af verdens 16 højeste bjerge ligger i Nepal. Verdens højeste bjerg, Mount Everest, lokalt kendt som Sagarmatha, ligger på grænsen ...

  6. Nepal (phiên âm tiếng Việt: Nê-pan; tiếng Nepal: नेपाल Nepāl ⓘ), tên chính thức là nước Cộng hòa Dân chủ Liên bang Nepal (tiếng ...

  7. › wiki › NépalNépal — Wikipédia

    Le Népal est un pays multi-religieux à très forte majorité hindouiste avec 81,3 % de pratiquants. La seconde religion la plus exercée est le bouddhisme (9 %), les musulmans sont environ 5 % et les chrétiens 1 % de la population 31. Certaines des dates des fêtes sont variables, en fonction du type de calendrier utilisé.

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