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  1. www.worldchild.itWorldchild

    World Child Sport si dedica interamente al benessere dei bambini attraverso i VALORI DELLO SPORT dell’amicizia, della fiducia, della passione , dell’altruismo, dello scambio delle reciprocità. World Child nasce dall’esperienza nel campo dello sport, dell’animazione, dell’intrattenimento, dell’educazione, di professionisti del settore.

  2. WIE ZIJN WIJ. De stichting World Child Fund is in 2007 opgericht. Zoals de naam al zegt gaat onze aandacht uit naar projecten over de hele wereld die te maken hebben met het welzijn van kinderen. Logischerwijs komen wij dan uit bij projecten op het gebied van onderwijs en opleiding, gezondheidszorg, sport, ondernemerschap, microkredieten en ...

  3. Climate change refers to long-term changes. The term El Niño (Spanish for 'the Christ Child') refers to a warming of the ocean surface, or above-average sea surface temperatures, in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. The low-level surface winds, which normally blow from east to west along the equator (“easterly winds ...

  4. 25 de nov. de 2023 · Another example of the just-world phenomenon is when people blame the victims of hate crimes. For instance, in cases of police violence against Black individuals, some say there are just "a few bad apples" in the police force. But this denies the reality of the victim's experience and the role systemic racism plays in the violence.

  5. 1 de jul. de 2018 · The migrant child phenomenon in China is connected to the country’s effort to encourage economy recovery. • Migrant children’s subjective well-being is related to their adjustment to a new school-home environment. • Nine school-home connection factors can help design integrative services for migrant families.

  6. Violence against children includes all forms of violence against people under 18 years old, whether perpetrated by parents or other caregivers, peers, romantic partners, or strangers. Globally, it is estimated that up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past year (1).

  7. 19 de oct. de 2023 · El Niño is a climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. El Niño is the “warm phase” of a larger phenomenon called the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). La Niña, the “cool phase” of ENSO, is a pattern that describes the unusual cooling of the region’s surface waters.