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  1. Die Ivy League (auch genannt The Ancient Eight (zu Deutsch: Die Alten Acht)) ist im engeren Sinne eine Liga der NCAA Division I im US-amerikanischen Hochschulsport der National Collegiate Athletic Association, die sich aus den meisten Sportmannschaften der acht Elitehochschulen im Nordosten der USA zusammensetzt.. Die Bezeichnung wird im weiteren Sinne außerhalb des Hochschulsports verwendet ...

  2. Ivy League adalah sebuah asosiasi yang terdiri dari 8 universitas Amerika Serikat.Istilah "Ivy League" mempunyai konotasi kesempurnaan akademis dan elitisme akademis. Anggotanya juga sering disebut Ancient Eight (Delapan Sekolah Lama).. Seluruh anggotanya mempunyai ciri-ciri yang umum: mereka adalah universitas-universitas yang paling prestisius di AS dan hampir selalu berada di peringkat ...

  3. 16 de ago. de 2023 · The Ivy League is a group of eight prestigious private colleges and universities in the United States, known for their academic excellence, rich history, and selective admissions process. The member institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.

  4. The Origins of the “Ivy League” The name “Ivy League” given to the current Ivy League Universities stems from a 1930s newspaper editorial in which students from the eight Ivy League universities called for the formation of an athletic conference for the then-called “Ivy League colleges.” By creating the conference, these schools aimed to formalize the links between them resulting ...

  5. › wiki › Ivy_LeagueIvy League - Wikipedia

    La Ivy League (o Ancient Eight) è una conferenza sportiva della NCAA costituita da otto prestigiose università private degli Stati Uniti d'America nordorientali.Nonostante siano sorte anche in funzione della fede religiosa (anglicana, puritana, quacchera, battista, presbiteriana, episcopale) dei loro fondatori, questo gruppo di università è attualmente rigorosamente non confessionale.

  6. Ivy League (pl. Liga Bluszczowa, zwana również jako ang.The Ancient Eight [starożytna ósemka]) – lista obejmująca 8 prywatnych uniwersytetów badawczych w północno-wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych uznawanych za najlepsze szkoły na świecie. Termin Ivy League jest zwykle używany poza kontekstem sportowym w odniesieniu do ośmiu szkół jako grupy elitarnych szkół wyższych z ...

  7. 21 de mar. de 2023 · The Ivy League comprises eight of the most renowned private universities in the U.S. Originally an athletic conference, "Ivy League" now signifies prestige and selectivity. All Ivy League schools are highly competitive, admitting fewer than 1 in 10 applicants. Though expensive, Ivy League colleges often provide generous financial aid packages.

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