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  1. Habitat of the Goldfish. The wild ancestors of these fish lived in slow-moving waters. They thrived even in areas with low oxygen and muddy water. This is why these fish adjust easily to living in manmade ponds. They also prefer habitats with aquatic vegetation to eat. However, most people keep these fish in aquarium tanks.

  2. Los Shubunkins son un goldfish de cola con escamas nacaradas, que es una mezcla de escalas transparentes y metálicas.Los acuaristas llaman a este pez el Goldfish de color calicó.. Amarás la coloración mezclada del Shubunkin de gris, blanco, azul, rojo, chocolate, amarillo y anaranjado.Las especies con colores azules se consideran las más raras y por lo tanto las más valiosas.

  3. デビュー42周年を迎えたパンクバンド”アナーキー(亜無亜危異)”のギタリスト、藤沼伸一が初めて映画監督に挑戦した渾身の作品『goldfish』が、2023年3月31日(金)よりシネマート新宿、シネマート心斎橋ほか全国順次公開!

  4. 19 de mar. de 2023 · These goldfish are currently very popular with breeders and come in a wide variety of scale types, patterns, and colors. Recently, varieties like the self-colored white matte, lavender and blue have become available as well, and more are sure to come! Breed. Butterfly Tail Goldfish.

  5. 15 de feb. de 2024 · Common goldfish are a great choice for the new fishkeeper due to their widely available food and care supplies. There is a misconception that common goldfish don’t live very long lives, but with appropriate water quality and diet, they can live up to 20 years. The oldest common goldfish on record lived to be 43 years old!

  6. 8 de feb. de 2024 · Goldfish breed in spring, but you can use a chiller to control the temperature and simulate winter. Slowly lower the aquarium temperature to 10-12°C (50–54°F), decreasing the chiller by 1-2°C (1.6–3°F) daily. The fish will naturally stop eating and enter a near-hibernation state called torpor as temperatures drop.

  7. 24 de oct. de 2016 · En este artículo de ExpertoAnimal te explicaremos los cuidados de goldfish incluyendo información sobre el acuario (plantas, grava, aireador..), la alimentación que precisa y otros detalles importantes a tener en cuenta. Recuerda que este popular pez puede llegar a vivir de 2 a 4 años, haz que lo logre siguiendo nuestros consejos:

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