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  1. A partir de ahí Copperfield es el nexo de unión entre varios personajes y sus familias mientras comienza su carrera como escritor y trata de encontrar a su verdadero amor, Dora Spenlow, quien muere poco después. Destrozado, Copperfield viaja por Europa y publica su primera novela. A su vuelta a Inglaterra, descubre su amor por Agnes ...

  2. Dora's father, Mr. Spenlow, is unaware of their courtship. David constructs these elaborate schemes with Dora's friend Miss Mills so that he can keep in touch with Dora. But Dora unfortunately has a resentful chaperone: Miss Murdstone (out of the blue!). Miss Murdstone discovers the letters David has sent Dora and brings them to Mr. Spenlow.

  3. Dora’s friend who assists David in courting Dora. Mrs. Markleham. Annie Strong's mother who attempts to take advantage of Annie’s marriage to Dr. Strong and has earned the nickname "The Old Soldier,” for her strict and stubborn demeanor. Mr. Spenlow. A lawyer who, it later transpires, is deeply in debt. He is Dora’s father and David’s ...

  4. David conoce a Dora Spenlow en el ballet y se enamora, eventualmente casándose con ella. Dora es joven, voluble e inepta para llevar una casa, y muere poco después de su matrimonio. Luego, David y Micawber ayudan a desenmascarar a Uriah Heep como el falsificador y tramposo que es y devolver la empresa de Wickfield a su legítimo propietario.

  5. Dora Spenlow. Dora Spenlow is David’s first love, and his first wife. David works for Dora’s father, the protective proctor Mr. Spenlow, and he meets the sweet-tempered Dora as a result of this proximity. David begins courting her, but Mr. Spenlow does not approve of the match, a complication that is ultimately solved when Mr. Spenlow dies ...

  6. She is the daughter of Miss Betsey’s lawyer and David’s good friend. David is a great admirer of Agnes’ father, however, his admiration soon transfers to her. She is a lovable and generous lady who nurses Dora Copperfield during her fatal condition. She sympathizes and consoles David on Dora’s death.

  7. Dora muere temprano en su matrimonio después de un aborto espontáneo. Después de la muerte de Dora, Agnes anima a David a volver a la vida normal y a su profesión de ... Julia Mills – Es una amiga de Dora que apoya el romance de Dora con David Copperfield; se traslada a la India cuando su padre consigue una nueva posición. Se casa con ...