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  1. Gondozása. A magnóliák alapvetően mészkerülők, ez a nagyvirágú liliomfára is igaz, ezért mindenképpen érdemes savasítani a talajt. Napfényes, esetleg kissé árnyas fekvést, valamint tápanyagdús, nyirkos, de jó vízelvezető képességű talajt igényel, se a száraz, se a folyamatosan nedves, elöntött talajt nem tolerálja.

  2. Alexandrina saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’): Growing 15 to 20 feet high and 10 to 15 feet wide with an upright form, this multi-stemmed tree has cup shaped, deep rose-purple flowers with white interiors. Lennei saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei’): This cultivar flowers slightly later than the species.

  3. Noteworthy Characteristics. Magnolia × soulangeana, commonly known as saucer magnolia, is a deciduous hybrid magnolia ( M. denudata × M. liliiflora ). It is the most commonly grown deciduous magnolia. It is a broad shrub or small tree that typically rises to 20-25’ tall with a rounded crown. It is often grown in a multi-trunked shrubby form.

  4. Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina' is a particularly lovely cultivar, bearing goblet-shaped flowers with two-tone petals fading from a rich, deep pink at the base to soft pink at the tips. It has an upright habit which broadens with age. Grow Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina' in a sheltered spot in full sun or partial shade, in a moist ...

  5. Introducimos una nueva ficha de cultivo en nuestra base de datos de Agromática. Hoy damos paso a un árbol muy peculiar, una especie híbrida de la familia Magnoliaceae. Nos encanta esta familia de plantas por lo que vamos a intentar hacer una descripción completa de este ejemplar. Hoy, en Agromática, cultivamos magnolia soulangeana.

  6. Saucer Magnolia 'Lilliputian', Chinese Magnolia 'Lilliputian', Tulip Magnolia 'Lilliputian'. A slow grower with a tight habit, Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lilliputian’ is one of the smallest Saucer Magnolias and is ideal for small gardens or container planting. This compact deciduous shrub or small tree boasts fragrant, goblet-shaped, pale pink ...

  7. Magnolia × soulangeana - Bjørkans planteliste

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con magnolia × soulangeana

    magnolia x soulangeana