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  1. Pese al curioso título, La gente feliz lee y toma café es una historia de volver a la vida tras un duelo y de como las personas más inesperadas nos pueden ayudar a salvarnos. Pero haré una somera sinopsis para que entendáis mejor el argumento. Diane es una mujer en su treintena que perdió a su marido y a su hija en un accidente de tráfico.

  2. Agnes Martin. Friendship. 1963. For Friendship, Martin covered an underlayer of oil paint with a thin layer of goldleaf, which she then scored by hand to reveal the ground beneath. Gold, with its connotations of luxury and opulence, was an unusual choice for the artist, who once said that to paint was “to accept the necessity of the simple ...

  3. La régularité et la sobriété des formes d’Agnes Martin ont souvent conduit à associer cette figure majeure du XXe siècle au courant minimaliste. Toutefois, elle-même se considérait plus proche des expressionnistes abstraits, ses contemporains et premiers modèles en peinture. Née dans une famille de tradition religieuse, elle part en ...

  4. 12 de dic. de 2020 · Image d'en-tête: Agnès Martin, Friendship, 1963 ©2015 Agnes Martin/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Des lignes horizontales, d'autres verticales. Des grilles, en fait. Régulièrement submergées de coloris subtils et translucides. Droites, sans sinuosité. Rien à voir avec la rivière Saskatchewan de sa naissance. Une enfance à Vancouver lui offre les plaisirs du sport, en ...

  5. 18 de ene. de 2019 · Updated on January 18, 2019. Agnes Martin (1912-2004) was an American painter, most notable for her role as a pioneer of the abstract movement known as Minimalism. Best known for her now iconic grid paintings, she is also known for her role in the development of the Modernist artist community in Taos, New Mexico and its environs.

  6. Agnès Martin-Lugand in 2018. Agnès Martin-Lugand (born 1979) is a French novelist who gained fame with Les gens heureux lisent et boivent du café (Happy People Read and Drink Coffee) when she published it on Kindle in December 2012. By 2017, her five novels had clocked up sales of two million worldwide.

  7. 20 de may. de 2020 · Agnès Martin-Lugand. 23 books1,090 followers. Agnès Martin-Lugand (born Saint-Malo) is a French writer of novels. A psychology major, she turned towards writing and published her first novel, Les gens heureux lisent et boivent du café (Happy People Read and Drink Coffee), as a self-edition via Amazon's Kindle platform on December 2012.

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