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  1. Karim Aga Khans Vater war Aly Khan, der von 1958 bis zu seinem Unfalltod im Jahr 1960 Pakistans Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen in Genf sowie Vizepräsident der UNO-Generalversammlung war, besser bekannt jedoch als Jetset-Playboy, der mit der Hollywood-Diva Rita Hayworth eine Ehe einging. Seine Mutter war das ehemalige Model Joan Yarde-Buller (1908–1997), Tochter von John Yarde-Buller ...

  2. Aga Khan II. 5,590 likes. ‎Aga Khan II ( آغا خان دوّم ) was the 47th Imam of the Nizari Ismaili Muslims. He was born‎

  3. Aga Khan II Imam of Ismaili Shi'a Islam. Aga Khan II (Persian: آغا خان دوّم; Āghā Khān-i Duwwum) the formal name for Aqa Ali Shah (Persian: آقا علی شاه.He was born in 1830 in Mahallat, Iran and died in August 1885 in Pune, India).He was a Muslim leader. He was the 47th Imam of a religious group called Nizari Ismaili Muslims. He became the Imam in 1881.

  4. Aga Khan, in Shīʿite Islam, title of the imams of the Nizārī Ismāʿilī sect. The title was first granted in 1818 to Ḥasan ʿAlī Shah (1800–81) by the shah of Iran. As Aga Khan I, he later revolted against Iran (1838) and, defeated, fled to India.His eldest son, ʿAlī Shah (died 1885), was briefly Aga Khan II.ʿAlī Shah’s son Sultan Sir Moḥammed Shah (1877–1957) became Aga ...

  5. › wiki › Aga_KhanAga Khan - Wikipedia

    Aga Khan I era succeduto come Imam, nel 1817, a Shah Khalil Allah e apparteneva ai Banu Hashim, tribù dei Quraysh. Etimologicamente il titolo combina il termine turco Agha, che significa "nobile" o "signore", con la parola altaica Khan che significa del pari "signore". ... Aga Khan II: Ali Sci ...

  6. Aga Khan II died in 1885, only four years after assuming the Imamat. He was succeeded by the present Aga Khan's grandfather, and predecessor as Imam, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan. In recent generations, the Aga Khan's family has followed a tradition of service in international affairs.