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  1. The average red fox is around 20-30 pounds. Their fur is orange, red, white, and black. They usually have black feet, with orange body hair. White and gray underbellies are common on red foxes, and the tips of their tails can have a white tag. Red foxes can run up to 30 miles per hour!

  2. Fox Behavior Daytime. Foxes are known as being nocturnal, this is evident by their eyesight, and being able to see in the dark, like cats. Foxes primarily sleep in the daytime and hunt at night. However, over time, they have become crepuscular, going out in the daytime and twilight hours. It is no longer uncommon to see a fox in the daytime.

  3. Red foxes have a long body and tail, covered in red fur. They also appear in a number of color morphs like silver, black, platinum, and more. They have black fur on their feet, the tips of their ears, and a distinctive white tuft at the end of the tail. These foxes have rather elongated muzzles, and long, sharp canine teeth.

  4. Arctic foxes live in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of Russia, Europe, and North America. Their range includes Greenland, Iceland, Fennoscandia, Svalbard, Jan Mayen (where they were hunted to extinction), and other islands in the Barents Sea, northern Russia, islands in the Bering Sea, Alaska, and Canada as far south as Hudson Bay.

  5. Red foxes even look similar to some of your favorite pets. They’re canines, which are relatives of dogs, wolves, and coyotes. But in some ways, they’re actually more like cats. They have long whiskers, retractable claws, and excellent night vision. Also like cats, red foxes hunt alone rather than in wolf-like packs.

  6. Foxes are omnivores, hunting very small animals and scavenging in cities and towns where freely available pet food and garbage can make life easier. It’s not unusual for a fox to be seen out and about during the day. Learn More About Foxes. Foxes are afraid of people and will usually run away when they detect your presence, but they may visit your backyard or neighborhood.

  7. Amazing Facts About the Red Fox. A fox’s den is normally a burrow underground, also known as an ‘earth’, but they can also live above ground in a cosy hollow. While they are solitary animals, during breeding season (winter) when they court and mate, the dog fox will support the female (vixen) by bringing food for the family (early spring ...

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