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  1. › en › exploreColosseum of Rome.

    The Colosseum in Rome is one of the masterpieces of Roman architecture and one of the most important testaments to the greatness of the Roman Empire. The complex Colosseum system has three main levels, each with a series of semicircular arches, which are supported by travertine stone pillars and columns. These arches form interior galleries ...

  2. 2 de may. de 2024 · Il Parco archeologico del Colosseo non è solo un sito archeologico, ma anche una grande area verde che si estende per più di 40 ettari nel cuore della città di Roma. Un “parco naturale” in cui la vegetazione spontanea, tipica dell’area mediterranea, convive con i grandi alberi piantati negli ultimi secoli.

  3. Redeem. You may purchase your ticket to the Archaeological Area of the Colosseum online exclusively on this web page, official reseller Archaeological Area of the Colosseum. In order to combat the phenomenon of secondary ticketing, i.e. the sale of tickets on unauthorized channels at increased prices, send a report by using the following form.

  4. コロッセウム ( ラテン語: Colosseum, イタリア語: Colosseo コロッセオ )は、 ローマ帝政期 の西暦 80年 に、ウェスパシアヌス帝とティトゥス帝によって造られた 円形闘技場 。. 英語 で競技場を指す colosseum (coliseum) [1] [2] や、 コロシアム の語源ともなっている ...

  5. › wiki › ColosseumColosseum - Wikipedia

    Nume. Numele latin original al Colosseumului a fost Amphitheatrum Flavium.Construcția sa a fost realizată de împărații din dinastia Flaviană, în urma domniei lui Nero. În antichitate, romanii s-au referit la Colosseum prin numele neoficial Amphitheatrum Caesareum (cu Caesareum ca adjectiv legat de titlul de Cezar), dar acest nume poate să fi fost strict poetic, deoarece nu era ...

  6. Pravidelné a dlouhodobé investování je považováno za jeden z nejvýnosnějších investorských přístupů, jak zhodnotit finanční prostředky. Investice podle vašich pravidel. Investujte s námi do široké škály nástrojů včetně ETF, akcií, dluhopisů, komodit a finančních derivátů. | Colosseum.

  7. › enThe Colosseum

    The Colosseum Called by the ancient Romans, "Anphitheatrum Flavlum" (Flavian Amphitheatre), the Colosseum is the most famous and impressive monument of ancient Rome, as well as the largest amphitheater in the world. The name is undoubtedly linked to the large size of the building but derives above all from the fact that nearby there was a colossal statue of Nero and bronze.

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